
Systems of Linear Equations

In this tutorial, we will learn how to solve systems of linear equations. A system of linear equations means two or more unknowns need to be calculated from two or more linear equations. The number of equations needed is equal to the number of unknowns. Consider the following equation: Here we have one unknown (x), …

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Absolute Value Equation

Absolute value means magnitude of a variable without the sign of it. Suppose you walk in the positive x-axis 3 units starting from 0, then x = 3. Now if you walk in the negative x-axis 3 units, mathematically x = -3 but the distance that you travelled in either direction is the same and …

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Straight Line Equation

A straight line can be considered as a line passing through at least two points and remains straight all the time. In xy plane a straight line equation contains variables x and y and a constant [under certain conditions only one variable may exist]. Equation from x-axis and y-axis intercept: x-axis intercepting point (a, 0) …

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