
Geometric Shapes and Properties


Three sides connected to each other resulting a closed contour is known as triangle. As shown in the figure below, it’s edges and angles are represented in this format: Angles are represented with capital letter A, B and C (or sometimes written as ∠BAC, ∠ABC and ∠ACB) and the edge opposite to angles A, B and C are named as a, b and c respectively.

Figure: Triangle with its sides and angles


  • It has three angles each at the joining of two sides
  • All three angles of a triangle sum to 180
  • The ratio of side length to the sine of its opposite angle is the same for all three sides. Mathematically, it can be expressed as
    • \frac{a}{\sin A} = \frac{b}{\sin B} = \frac{c}{\sin C}
  • Perimeter of triangle, 2s = a + b + c
  • Area of triangle if height is given = \frac{1}{2} \times \text{base}(a) \times \text{height}(h)
  • Area of triangle = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} Where s is the half of its perimeter


A parallelogram is a four sided shape which is described by following properties:

Figure: Parallelogram and it’s properties


  • Opposite sides are parallel to each other
  • Opposite sides are equal in length
  • Diagonals of parallelogram bisects each other
  • Sum of all interior angles are equal to 360o
  • None of the angles equal to 90o
  • Opposite angles are equal
  • Perimeter  = 2(AB+AD)
  • Area = \text{base} \times \text{height} = AB\times h


A rhombus is a four sided shape which is described by following properties

Figure: Rhombus and it’s properties


  • Opposite sides are parallel to each other
  • All sides are equal in length
  • Diagonals of rhombus are perpendicular bisector
  • Sum of all interior angles are equal to 360o
  • None of the angles equal to 90o
  • Opposite angles are equal
  • Perimeter  = 4a (where a is the length of a side)
  • Area = \frac{1}{2} \times \text{diagonal element1} \times \text{diagonal element2}


A rectangle is a four sided shape with the following properties

Figure: Rectangle and it’s properties


  • Opposite sides are parallel to each other
  • Opposite sides are equal in length
  • Diagonals of rectangles are equal and bisects each other
  • Sum of all interior angle are equal to 360o
  • Each of the interior angle is equal to 90o
  • Perimeter = 2×(AB+AD)
  • Area = AB×AD


A square is a four sided shape with the following properties

Figure: Square and it’s properties
  • Opposite sides are parallel to each other
  • Diagonals of squares are equal
  • Diagonals of squares are perpendicular bisector
  • All sides are equal in length
  • Sum of all interior angle are equal to 360o
  • Each of the interior angle is equal to 90o
  • Perimeter = 4×AB
  • Area = AB2


A circle is defined by its center, c and radius, r such that distance of any point on circle from its center is always equal to its radius. Circle has the following properties

Figure: Circle and it’s properties
  • Diameter is defined as the line drawn from any point on circle, passes through the center, ends at other point on circle. Diameter, d = AB = 2r
  • Perimeter = 2πr
  • Area = πr2
  • Any triangle drawn on semicircle is always a right triangle. Triangle ACB is right triangle.
  • Any segment of circle is known as arc
  • Angle created by an arc at the center is twice as the angle created by the same arc on the circumference. \angle DOF = 2 \angle DEF


A trapezoid is a four sided shape with only one pair of sides are parallel. It has the following properties:

Figure: Trapezoid and it’s properties
  • Two sides are parallel and other two sides are nonparallel
  • Opposite angles are supplementary and sum of opposite side angles are 180o
  • Perimeter = AB + BC + CD + AD
  • Area = \frac{1}{2} \times \text{sum of parallel sides} \times \text{height} = \frac{1}{2}(a+b)h


A polygon is a general term which is defined by the number of sides it encompasses. For example, a three side polygon is known as triangle, a five side polygon is known as pentagon.


  • Number of diagonals of a polygon  = \frac{n(n-3)}{2}  where n is the number of vertices in the polygon
  • Sum of interior angles of polygon  =   (n-2)\times 180^\circ where n is the number of sides.

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