
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence

Arithmetic Sequence If the numbers in a sequence follows arithmetic addition or subtraction, we call it arithmetic sequence. For example, is an arithmetic sequence. Its first number, a = 1 Interval, d = 2 [ (second term -first term) or (third term – second term) and so on] Last number, n = 33 The number …

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Sequences and Patterns

A sequence is a function whose domain is a set of positive integers. For example, the function is valid for all values of x greater than 0 which includes decimal numbers. In order to be a sequence, x must take values of positive integers such as 1, 2, 3 and so on. So, sequence is …

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Exponential Function and Equation

Power or exponent denoted as (a to the power x) means multiplying a with itself x times if x is an integer number. On the other hand, if x is a fractional number, for example 1/2, 1/3  it means square root of a, cube root of a. 3 is an integer, so multiply 2 with …

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Solve Quadratic Equations

According to Wikipedia, “a quadratic equation is a equation that can be arranged in standard form as Where x is unknown and a, b and c are known coefficients. The coefficient terms a, b and c are also known as quadratic coefficient, linear coefficient and constant terms respectively. The condition to be quadratic is . …

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Different Types of Functions

Continuous Function: A function is said to be continuous if there is no abrupt changes or discontinuity in the function. The best way to measure the continuity of a function at any point is to approach from both sides of the function to that point. If you reach at the same point or if you …

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Constant, Variable and Function

Constant In Mathematics a constant is defined to have a fixed value within the scope of its use. It is usually represented by the first few letters of English alphabet such as a, b, c etc. For example a = 3, c= 7. Variable In contrast to constant, a variable can take any value and …

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Systems of Linear Equations

In this tutorial, we will learn how to solve systems of linear equations. A system of linear equations means two or more unknowns need to be calculated from two or more linear equations. The number of equations needed is equal to the number of unknowns. Consider the following equation: Here we have one unknown (x), …

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Absolute Value Equation

Absolute value means magnitude of a variable without the sign of it. Suppose you walk in the positive x-axis 3 units starting from 0, then x = 3. Now if you walk in the negative x-axis 3 units, mathematically x = -3 but the distance that you travelled in either direction is the same and …

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Single Variable Linear Equation

Algebraic equation is a representation of descriptive objective involving some numeric values with symbols. Equation contains two sides with an equality operator “=” such that the contents in the left side of the operator equals the contents in the right side of the operator. The descriptive objective is denoted with some constants,  variables and mathematical …

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