
Geometric Shapes and Properties

Triangle Three sides connected to each other resulting a closed contour is known as triangle. As shown in the figure below, it’s edges and angles are represented in this format: Angles are represented with capital letter A, B and C (or sometimes written as ∠BAC, ∠ABC and ∠ACB) and the edge opposite to angles A, …

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Straight Line Equation

A straight line can be considered as a line passing through at least two points and remains straight all the time. In xy plane a straight line equation contains variables x and y and a constant [under certain conditions only one variable may exist]. Equation from x-axis and y-axis intercept: x-axis intercepting point (a, 0) …

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Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean theorem states that for a right triangle, the square of its hypotenuse is equal to the sum of squares of its adjacent arms. Mathematically it can be expressed from the following figure as Proof: From the trigonometry we know, or, or, or, and So, [since A + B = 90] Example: Suppose that you …

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Coordinate Geometry

This article describes how to plot points in a two dimensional plane and measure Euclidean distance between two points. The plane that we write in a paper or draw something is a two dimensional plane because it has length and width. On the other hand, the plane that we live in a house is a …

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